Australian Barbie Sauce Review

Australian Barbie Sauce Review

australian barbie sauce review

Fire up the grill and get ready to tantalize your taste buds! In this article, we dive into the world of Australian barbecue sauce and provide an in-depth review. From its unique blend of flavors to its versatility in enhancing various dishes, we explore why it has become a staple in Aussie kitchens.

Australian Barbie Sauce


Australian barbecue sauce, commonly known as "barbie sauce," is a quintessential condiment that adds a distinct tang to grilled meats and other dishes. In this comprehensive review, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about this iconic Aussie sauce.


Barbie sauce is a flavorful, tomato-based condiment with a perfect balance of sweetness, tanginess, and smoky undertones. Its rich texture and bold taste make it an ideal accompaniment to a wide range of meats, including beef, chicken, and lamb.

Flavor Profile

Unlike traditional barbecue sauces, Australian barbie sauce offers a unique flavor profile. It combines the sweetness of molasses and brown sugar with the tang of vinegar and Worcestershire sauce. Additional elements, such as garlic, onion, and various spices, contribute to its complexity, resulting in a sauce that is not overly sweet but perfectly balanced.


One of the reasons Australian barbie sauce has gained popularity worldwide is its remarkable versatility. While it shines as a marinade or glaze for grilled meats, it also pairs well with other dishes, such as burgers, sausages, fries, and even vegetarian options like grilled veggies or tofu. Its rich, smoky flavor enhances the taste of various cuisines, making it a fantastic addition to any kitchen.

Usage and Pairings

Barbie sauce shines when used in the following ways:

  1. Marinade: The sauce's thick consistency and bold flavors make it an exceptional marinade. Coat your meat of choice with barbie sauce and let it sit for a few hours before grilling. The result? Tender, juicy, and perfectly flavored meat with a tantalizing smoky glaze.
  2. Basting: Use barbie sauce for basting while grilling to keep your meat moist and infuse it with a deep, caramelized flavor.
  3. Dipping: Serve barbie sauce on the side as a dipping sauce for grilled meats or even as a tangy alternative to ketchup or mayo for fries and burgers.
  4. Glazing: Brush the sauce over your meats during the last few minutes of grilling for a glossy, sticky glaze that will have everyone licking their fingers.

Brand Recommendations

When it comes to Australian barbie sauce, numerous brands offer their unique versions. Some popular options include:

  1. MasterFoods: Known for its classic take on barbie sauce, MasterFoods provides a timeless flavor that complements any grill.
  2. Rosella: Rosella offers a twist on the traditional recipe, infusing their barbie sauce with a hint of chili for an extra kick.
  3. Fountain: Fountain is known for its rich and tangy barbie sauce, providing a bold flavor that stands up to any grilled meat.

Final Thoughts

Australian barbie sauce is a true flavor sensation that brings an unbeatable taste to your grilled dishes. Its versatile nature and unique blend of flavors make it an essential condiment for any barbecue enthusiast. Whether you use it as a marinade, basting sauce, or dipping condiment, this sauce is sure to elevate your culinary creations.

So, fire up the grill, grab a bottle of Australian barbie sauce, and delight your tastebuds with its savory goodness. Your next backyard barbecue will never be the same!

Meta Description (less than 180 characters): Discover the mouthwatering flavors and versatility of Australian barbie sauce. Perfect for grilling, basting, and dipping, this tangy condiment is sure to elevate your barbecue experience.

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