What to Do with Burnt Bacon

What to Do with Burnt Bacon: Avoid Wasting Your Breakfast!

what to do with burnt bacon

Don't let burnt bacon ruin your breakfast! Discover creative ways to salvage, repurpose, and enjoy your crispy mishap.

Burnt Bacon

Meta description: Don't let burnt bacon go to waste! Read on to discover smart and delicious ways to salvage & repurpose crispy breakfast mishaps.


Bacon is a beloved breakfast staple, but even the most experienced cooks occasionally end up with a batch of burnt bacon. While it might initially seem like a breakfast disaster, fear not! This article will show you that with a little creativity, you can still salvage and transform that charred bacon into something delectable.

1. Crumble Into Salad Toppings

Burnt bacon can make a fantastic addition to salads. Crumble it into small pieces and sprinkle generously over fresh greens, providing a smoky and savory twist to your salad. The crispy texture adds an enjoyable crunch, complimenting the other ingredients perfectly.

2. Blend into Seasonings

Transform your burnt bacon into a versatile seasoning that can be used in various recipes. Allow the bacon to cool, then grind it into a fine powder using a food processor or spice grinder. This homemade bacon seasoning can be added to dishes such as soups, stews, gravies, or even sprinkled onto roasted vegetables for an extra burst of flavor.

3. Incorporate into Casseroles

Don't let burnt bacon go to waste in the back of your fridge. Instead, integrate it into your favorite casserole recipes. Whether it's a mac and cheese, green bean casserole, or a breakfast bake, the smoky undertones of the burnt bacon will add a delightful twist to these comforting dishes.

4. Make Bacon Bits

Who doesn't love sprinkling bacon bits over a baked potato or creamy soup? Instead of using regular bacon, substitute it with your burnt bacon. Simply dice the crispy strips into small pieces and pan-fry them until they resemble traditional bacon bits. These crunchy toppings will elevate your dishes and give them a unique, smoky flavor.

5. Enhance your Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are a classic appetizer, and adding a hint of burnt bacon can take them to new heights. Once you've peeled and halved the hard-boiled eggs, sprinkle your crumbled or finely chopped burnt bacon over the egg yolks before filling them with the creamy mixture. The combination of the lightly creamy center, tangy flavors, and crispy bacon will be a delightful surprise for your taste buds.

6. Infuse Oils

Another great way to repurpose burnt bacon is by infusing oils. Place the crispy bacon into a jar and cover it with your favorite cooking oil (such as olive, sunflower, or vegetable oil). Allow it to infuse for a few days, shaking occasionally to release the flavors. The resulting bacon-infused oil can be used to add rich, smoky notes to salad dressings, marinades, or drizzled over roasted vegetables.

7. Create Savory Sandwich Fillings

Give your sandwiches an unconventional twist with some burnt bacon fillings. Mix crumbled burnt bacon with cream cheese, avocado, or mayonnaise to create a spread bursting with flavor. Pair this with your favorite bread, vegetables, and proteins for a delicious meal that satisfies your taste buds.

8. Whip Up Savory Pancakes

Who says pancakes have to be sweet? Incorporating burnt bacon into savory pancake batter can turn the usual breakfast staple into a delightful surprise. Simply chop or crumble the burnt bacon and fold it into the pancake mixture before cooking. Serve these savory pancakes with a dollop of sour cream or a drizzle of maple syrup for a unique and flavorful twist.

9. Feed Your Furry Friends

If you're a pet owner, don't forget that burnt bacon scraps can be shared with your furry friends. Ensure that you remove any excess grease or seasoning, then crumble or chop the pieces into small, bite-sized portions. Your pets will appreciate this special treat and won't mind the charred flavor at all!


Who knew that burnt bacon could be so versatile? By following these creative ideas, you can salvage and repurpose those unfortunate breakfast mishaps into exciting new dishes. Remember, with a little ingenuity and the desire to reduce waste, you can turn even the most singed bacon into a culinary triumph! So don't fret over burnt bacon; get creative and enjoy every crispy bite.

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